Our Team

Civil B. Eng. (Hons) – University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Ph.D. – University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Addy Kho, the Geotechnical Engineer and Director of the company, has keen interest in the slope stability and slope failure remedial works, deep foundation, ground improvement works especially in peaty ground, deep excavation, tunnelling, riverbank protection and dam engineering. He has worked on a wide variety of projects including oil & gas plants, mining, dam, bridges, centralised sewage system, water transfer, urban drainage, irrigation, road and bridges, hill slope protection, and flood mitigation. Addy always believe in Team Work and Cost Effective Design and that translates to Happy Colleagues and Laughing Clients.
Aside from Engineering, Addy’s passion in internet marketing and search engine optimisation has also made him a prominent figure among local internet marketers.Addy is also an ardent lover of food and traveling. He’ll definitely kill for chocolates and cheese!!

Civil B. Eng. (Hons) – University of Technology Malaysia
Thien has extensive design experience in prominent Structural projects from his past job. He has worked on many industrial/commercial and residential projects both in Malaysia and Singapore. His areas of expertise include water retaining structure, prestressing, jetties, bridges, steel structure, oil & gas plants structure and highrise buildings. He strongly believes in the prominent role that engineer plays an important part in serving for mankind.
Soft shell crabs and salty finger food are some of Thien’s obsession, aside from serving for mankind which will always be his first priority.

Civil B. Eng. (Hons) – University of Putra Malaysia
MSc – University of Putra Malaysia
Ph.D.– University of Sarawak Malaysia
Hii Ching Poon obtained a B.Eng and M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2000 and 2002 respectively, and PhD from the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak in 2010 working with Professor Frederik Josep Putuhena. His PhD research analysed Integrated Flood Management for better flood management among various stakeholders with decisions making tools and river flood modeling results. He is currently a professional engineer by practice in the water resources and environmental engineering disciplines in Malaysia. His vast working experiences in implementing hydrological studies of major water resources projects in Hydropower and Dam projects, water quality study and TMDL modelling, hydrological dam safety evaluation and sediment transport study, flood mitigation projects, drainage and river training design in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Laos. In Feb 2012, he was appointed Head of Hydrology and Hydraulic Section of a reputed Malaysian Engineering Consultant, Jurutera Adda Sdn Bhd.
A quiet and patience person that explains everything in detail. Hii is definitely a person without temper!!

Civil B. Eng. (Hons) – University of Technology Malaysia
Ir. Ong graduated from University Technology Malaysia with a B.Eng. (Hons) Civil in year 2001. He started his career as civil engineer in year 2001 at Geolab (M) Sdn Bhd involved in structural and soil instrumentation monitoring, non-destructive testing and structural repair works. In year 2003, Ir. Ong has joined Jurutera Jasa (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd as design engineer before joining Jurutera Adda Sdn Bhd. Over the years, he has gain extensive design experience in flood mitigation, stormwater management, water supply roadworks and infrastructure works.
Ong is enjoying music, books and exotic travel at his free time.

B. Sc. (Geology) University of Alberta, Canada
Geh has around 40 years of working experience in the various aspects of geology which include the following:
Mineral Exploration/Engineering geology/Hydrogeology/Environmental geology
He is a popular figure in the Dam construction in Sarawak as he involved in most of the geological study of the dam sites in Sarawak. Geh is a simple man with unselfish heart. He is always keen to share his experience and knowledge with anyone who takes initiative to ask him questions.
You will definitely find yourself having problem to catch up with him walking in the jungle even though you may be 30 years younger than him. Asking why he is still practicing at this age? He will tell you that he just wants to contribute to the industry, as simple as that!

Liz’s the first person you’ll talk to. She answers our phones, provides quotes, handles questions, and keep us all organized. She enjoys her work because she gets to make a difference in people’s lives.
Travelling, seafood and coffee are her passions. Happiness is when she’s surrounded by her adorable kids and their laughter. Lizards freak her out and drives her mad.

Agnes provides administrative support to ADDA. She is a very quiet and soft spoken person with a lovely personality. She loves to travel and shares a lot of her experiences and stories over cuppa.
She speaks quite a varieties of languages as well and is currently still studying a new language. Definitely a good travel companion where language barrier may not be a huge problem with her around.

A very cheerful and friendly character who never fails to guide her juniors. Leave it to her to break the ice between her junior and senior colleagues. She is the one who goes from floor-to-floor every now and then, fulfilling her duties with utmost discipline and care. Her agility is what makes her extraordinary.

Fanny performs her duties by the principle of do more and speak less. Often reliable and is attentive to the needs of her bosses and colleagues to facilitate the management. She is careful in making decisions, thus she tends to observe around for what is necessary.

Joanne executes her job enthusiastically and responsibly. It’s admirable that she comes prepared in an intuitive way before approaching others which gives pleasant experience even when in the midst of challenges.
She always finds a reason to smile as she goes about being curious and imaginative. She also takes pleasure in what life has to offer such as travelling, food hunting, sports and music.

A free spirited soul who’s generous with smiles. What’s special about that simple gesture of his; it never fails to brighten up your day. To put it simply, he is someone you would want to bump with on a frustrating or tiresome day. Someone you would definitely want to have random chats with.

Sabrina has a wide experience in drafting from her past. She’s normally loud and like to laugh a lot. Nags a lot too when she’s stress and lost. She likes ADDA’s harmonious working vibe and culture where she finds people are engaged towards each other which has given her a lot of chances and confidence.
Sabrina loves to eat and born to travel that often causes her to run out of annual leaves.

Sze Wei is a devoted and sincere towards her job. Responsible and accountable would be the best words to describe her.She has a tall slender physique and very active in sports. An adventurous travel lover that dares to try different new things.

Chin has a friendly character and often smiles easily. A committed and hardworking colleague who is easy to work with. Not only that she is passionate in drafting but also good in it having both civil and structural experience.

Evelyn is a fun-loving and outgoing lady with a great sense of humor, who has brought in extra laughter to the company since joining abroad with us. She has too brought with her, 15 years of drafting experience. A wanderlust that craves to travel and explores every corner of the world.

Loud and funny at times. Blushes easily too. Whenever he is in the midst, people around can never miss out laughing together. As he eats out for breakfast, he willingly be a delivery man to ensure colleagues don’t work with empty stomach. Stepping in with 7 years of drafting experience has driven him to go above and beyond the call of duty.

Katherine possesses a happy-go-lucky character and is inclined to positive vibes. A healthy one who enjoys morning walk and hiking activities. Her 30 years of experience has placed her at a level where potentiality is no longer questionable. Nevertheless, that doesn’t stop her from working hard and keep improving.

Civil B. Eng. (Hons) – Swinburne University of Technology (Kuching, Sarawak)
Mistakenly as “Elton John” is a cheerful and sometimes sensitive young man that named himself “little lamb” in mandarin. Our best helper at work with almost anything that you could think of. Kind and passionate with life, naughty at times but certainly that he is so indulged in his online gaming that makes him paranoid to be away from his phone and ipad. What he knows for sure is that “With all his will and motivation, he’ll be a successful person in 10 years’ time!”

Lishyuan is very capable and reliable with vast knowledge on geotechnical field. She is keen on learning new things, getting her hands on all sorts of software and doesn’t hesitate on spending extra time with work. She is the definition of diligence and devotion. As a senior, she is definitely doing a great job on setting a good example to her fellow juniors.

A senior-wannabe. He doesn’t reveal much about himself but knows a lot about others. He doesn’t hesitate in asking, when he’s in wonder. To put it simply, he is very caring. Calm even when storms come hitting, he is the one who keeps everyone together.

Very polite and soft spoken, he deals with people professionally. Though sometimes seems to be in his own world, he is surprisingly helpful. He would share his knowledge and know-hows as a senior would, when asked the favour. He makes things work in a way others cannot imagine.

A gentleman, dependable & an older brother material. A respectable colleague but too serious at times, he hardly smiles genuinely. Nags & frowns a little much for someone his age. Even so, he takes extra care of his teammates, taking the blames on their behalf as if it is his duty.

An observer and a detail-oriented person. She plays the guitar because deep inside of her lies the passion for music. So much talent for a young engineer like her who shows interest in structural field and constantly developing her skills by acquiring experience at construction site as well as in design works. Definitely one who never ceases to become better.

Someone who is calm and gentle manner who makes no awkward conversation with others. In fact, he is a knowledgeable engineer yet teachable at the same time. He does not confine to what is customary but rather takes thing easy. Undeniably persistent in completing the tasks assigned to him.

A refreshing one with attitudes others would envy. For instance, she gives out only positive vibes in whatever she does. More so, she is a neighbourhood friend material. Feel free to spill your worries and problems to her. She would do her best to provide the comfort & advice you need.

Louvis has a great enthusiasm in geology which justifies his hardwork. Reading scientific journals and doing fieldwork are the keys to enhance his understanding in complex geological processes. His forte in mapping is not limited to fieldwork but also digital that has led him to explore more of GIS.
Uniquely, playing darts is his no.1 sports. In his free time and weather permitting, he’d choose to go hiking while birding and do bird photography.

Garry believes that stepping out of comfort zone means stepping into growth zone, be it personal or professional life. He keeps himself in a positive attitude while taking up challenges for the betterment of not only himself but others as well. His genuine act of kindness is much like faith in humanity restored.
People say laughter is the best medicine, perhaps that’s the reason why he enjoys watching comedy series.

Hong is a calm and composed man, with reassuring demeanor. A type of personality that is not easily influenced but is an influencer himself who naturally motivates others to work passionately as he does. His 27 years of working experience is incredibly valuable in creating good quality technical drawings that makes him a good team player in a dynamic workplace.
Surprise not that he actually has a good sense of humour too and he enjoys watching soccer games especially EPL.